Advisory Board
We thank these leaders for paving the road for Hispanic advocacy.
A native Detroiter and licensed social worker, Jane C. Garcia has been a volunteer community activist for over 50 years. Jane has held positions with the Detroit Public Schools, other local Hispanic non-profits, and the U.S. Federal Government, where she retired after more than 25 years of service.
In 2005, Jane completed twenty year of service as part of Executive Committee of the United Way Community Services and was the first Non-CEO elected as Secretary of the Board. Over the years Jane has served on many boards and commissions including SER Metro-Detroit Jobs for Progress, Inc.; Detroit Wayne Area Agency on Aging; New Detroit Inc.; The City of Detroit - Cable Commission and was the first Hispanic elected Vice-Chair of the Michigan Republican Party. Jane was appointed to the Board of Water Commissioners by Mayor Mike Duggan in January 2016 and serves as Vice-Chair of Latin Americans for Social & Economic Development (LA SED), the oldest Hispanic advocacy agency in Southeastern Michigan. Jane was recently elected as Chairwoman for SER Jobs for Progress National.
Jane continues to promote Hispanic issues in all social and political arenas. In 1990, Ms. Garcia founded Corporate Responsibility through Advocacy (True Ownership). The organization advocates for Minority Board Members through Stockholders’ annual meetings and urges that diversity cannot be achieved without Latino and other ethnic minority representation at all levels.
Jane has been recognized by several local, State, National, and International entities including the 2002 OHTLI Award from the Mexican Secretaria Del Relaciones Exteriores; in 2007 was recognized by the Detroit News as Michiganian of the Year and in 2015 received the Spirit of Frida Award from Mi Gente Magazine. In 2017 Jane was honored by the Detroit NAACP as the first Hispanic to receive the Ida B. Wells Freedom & Justice Award, and the Urban League of Detroit & Southeastern Michigan recognized her as a 2021 Distinguished Warrior.
Jane is the proud mother of five children and a grandmother of ten. She attributes her involvement with community causes to her understanding family and very loving and supportive husband of over fifty years, Henry Garcia.