Javier Palomarez, USHBC President, Condemns Biden Administration for Last-Minute Tobacco Overregulation
WASHINGTON, DC, UNITED STATES, January 8, 2025 /EINPresswire.com/ -- As he prepares to exit office, President Joe Biden is moving forward with a plan that mandates lower nicotine levels in cigarettes. The regulation cleared regulatory review last week, but it remains unclear if the FDA will issue a proposed rule outlining the regulation before Biden leaves office on Jan. 20. Javier Palomarez, President & CEO of the United States Hispanic Business Council, issued the following statement on behalf of the organization:
“The rule to require lower nicotine levels in cigarettes is yet another illustration of the many reasons so many voters, especially Hispanic voters, felt abandoned by the Democrats in 2024. While our communities and businesses grapple with unprecedented costs of living and economic uncertainty, the Administration's tone deaf approach remains focused on telling voters what they determine is good for them.
“While the USHBC does not promote smoking, we do believe that every tax-paying American adult has the right to purchase a product that is legally sold, responsibly marketed, heavily taxed and is arguably the most regulated product in the nation. We also know that by reducing nicotine levels in cigarettes, American public schools stand to lose $33 billion in tax revenue derived from the sale of this product. Additionally, small businesses will lose $14 billion in annual sales – all while the cartels are positioned to profit. They will swoop in and quickly start selling cigarettes to the very same people who are buying, and paying taxes on, them today.
“I implore President Biden and his FDA to again consider that bans and prohibition do not work. A ban didn’t work on alcohol, and a ban didn’t work on menthol cigarettes. Their effort to mandate lower nicotine levels in cigarettes is just more of the same. Our nation has much more pressing issues to focus on, especially when it comes to public health.”
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