Javier Palomarez, USHBC President, Warns of Severe Economic Impact from Looming Port Strike, Calls for Urgent Resolution
WASHINGTON, DC, UNITED STATES, September 30, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ -- In response to the looming port strike, Javier Palomarez, President & CEO of the United States Hispanic Business Council (USHBC), is voicing his concerns over the potential economic fallout.
"The looming port strike poses severe consequences for the U.S. economy, particularly for small businesses. Key sectors like retail, manufacturing, food and agriculture, and pharmaceuticals will be hit hard by the resulting supply chain disruptions. The economic toll could reach $5 billion per day, leading to delays, shortages, and job losses. If a solution is not found soon, small businesses will be facing one of the greatest supply chain disruptions since COVID-19, and many do not currently have the resources to do so," said Javier Palomarez, President and CEO of the United States Hispanic Business Council.
Mr. Palomarez urges the federal government to work with the private sector and union leaders to prevent further strain on the already struggling supply chain and ensure that the resulting deal is fair for both parties.
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